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10) Domestic Violence Assistance

The logo of the Coalition Against Rape and Domestic Violence

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  • Are you in an abusive relationship?
  • Are you wondering if your relationship is healthy?
  • Are you worried about someone who may be in an abusive relationship?
  • Have you been sexually assaulted?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, help and information are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through the Coalition Against Rape and Domestic Violence ("CARDV") of Callaway County.

CARDV offers free, confidential services to victims and survivors of intimate partner violence (domestic violence and dating violence), sexual violence, and stalking.


Contact CARDV


24-hour Help and Information Line: 573-642-4422



Below are some frequently asked questions about domestic violence and CARDV's services.  Click the links for the answers were applicable.

What is domestic violence?

What are signs that my partner may be abusive?

  • You can read about signs of domestic violence by clicking here.  The Power and Control Wheel is also a helpful tool: Read it and see if anything applies to your relationship.

What does CARDV do?

Tell me about orders of protection (aka protective orders, restraining orders, Ex-Partes).

How do I know if my abuser is changing?

How dangerous is my relationship?

  • If this question is "on your radar" we recommend contacting CARDV to speak with an advocate to talk about ways to plan for your safety.  You can call CARDV's help and information line at (573) 642-4422.  You can also email an advocate by clicking here, but do not email if you need immediate assistance.  You will get a response within 1-2 business days.  In the meantime, you can use this free danger assessment tool to help you assess your level of risk.  (Note that this tool was designed for a female who is being abused by a male).

It says CARDV's services are "confidential".  What does that mean?  Will law enforcement know if I call CARDV?

  • No, CARDV has very strict confidentiality laws that must be followed.  They can't confirm or deny if you've called them no matter who is asking--police, your mom, your best friend, your partner, etc.  The only way they can let anyone know they've talked to you is if you sign a written release of information.


Who does CARDV work with?

  • Victims/survivors of intimate partner violence (an intimate partner is someone you are dating or have dated before, are married to or are divorced from, etc.)
  • Victims/survivors of sexual violence (sexual violence perpetrators can be anyone: intimate partner, family member, friend, acquaintance, stranger, etc.)
  • Victims/survivors of stalking


Does CARDV serve women only?

  • No, CARDV helps people of all gender identities and expressions.  Intimate partner violence and sexual assault can happen to anyone.

What if I'm not sure if I want to leave?

  • You can still receive help and information from CARDV even if you are not sure you want to leave your relationship.


Second CARDV logo with phone number.