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17) School Resource Officer


Deputy Jon Bradley shown in his school photo.
Deputy Jon Bradley

North Callaway RI

North Callaway Thunderbirds Logo

Deputy Cody Vandelicht pictured in uniform in front of an American Flag.
Deputy Cody Vandelicht

South Callaway RII

South Callaway Bulldogs Logo

Dep John Nielsen in his school yearbook photo
Deputy John Nielsen

New Bloomfield RIII

New Bloomfield Wildcats Logo

Deputy Celeste Sermeno pictured in front of an American Flag.
Deputy Celeste Sermeno

Callaway Hills and North School SRO

 JC Schools District logo.


The Callaway County Sheriff's Office is extremely proud to partner with three of the rural school districts in the county as well as the Jefferson City School District.  Our School Resource Officers take great pride in the work they do with faculty, staff, and students alike.  While the rest of us at the Sheriff's Office have no interest in debating which district is the best, these guys certainly do have some thoughts about it.